Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that isn't listed below, please contact us.

Examples of Notices, E-mails and SMS Text alerts

A Capacity Market Notice would look like this (example only) :-

Electricity Capacity Market Notice Currently Active

Commencement time of notice
Circumstances that triggered notice
Margin below threshold set out in Capacity Market Rules
Transmission Demand and Operating Margin (MW)
Aggregate Capacity of BM Units expected (MW)
Additional Capacity (MW)
No definitive information regarding additional capacity is currently available to the System Operator.

Capacity Market participants are advised to review the System Warnings page on BMRS for potential additional operational warnings from the Electricity System Operator. This notice is published pursuant to Rule 8.4.6 / 11.3.5 of the Capacity Market Rules

Participants are also advised to pay close attention to De-rated Margin (DRM) information on the BMRS website that will be updated 3 times (4 hour, 2 hour and 1 hour ahead) in advance of the "commencement time" of this Capacity Market Notice.

A Capacity Market Notice cancellation will look like this (example only):-

Electricity Capacity Market Notice Cancelled

The Capacity Market Notice originally active from has been cancelled from

A System Stress Event will look like this (example only):-

Confirmation of Electricity System Stress Event

Start time of System Stress Event
End time of System Stress Event

A Message from Electricty System Operator will look like this (example only):-

Message from Electricty System Operator

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis elit justo. Donec fringilla elit at malesuada commodo. Cras tempus massa ut ante sagittis ornare. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse aliquam massa enim, in semper neque pulvinar eu. Etiam eleifend tortor ut dui suscipit dictum. Praesent congue molestie elementum. Duis at lacus metus. Ut vitae quam suscipit, fermentum mi in, interdum nisi.

Any website update will trigger the following email:-

GB Electricity Capacity Market Notices

GB Electricity Capacity Market Notice website updated by Electricity System Operator

Please use the following link to view the Electricity System Operator update to the Capacity Market Notice Website:

View Notification

This email was sent to you at the following address: example@domain.com
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The associated text messages come from CMNotices and will only ever have the following text:-

The GB Electricity Capacity Market Notice website has been updated by the Electricity System Operator. Please access the website at the following address https://gbcmn.nationalgrid.co.uk/