Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

This website (the "Website") is the website of National Grid plc and its subsidiary companies ("National Grid", "us" or "we"). The Website and the related services (such as the mobile phone or tablet apps which provide investor relations information) (the "Services") are operated and managed by National Grid other than some aspects of pages showing share and RNS data within the investor section of the site which are delivered by Investis Limited (Investis).

Legal Agreement

Please read these terms and conditions of use of the Website ("the Terms") carefully as by using the Website and/or Services you agree to be bound by them. We reserve the right to vary the conditions of use at any time and will post any variations here. You are advised to review the conditions of use on a regular basis as you will be deemed to have accepted variations if you continue to use the Website and/or the Services after they have been posted. If you do not agree to abide by these Terms you should not use the Website or the Services in any way. For clarity, in these terms "you" and "your" means any natural or legal person who uses the Website or the Services and each entity on whose behalf the user acts.

Using The Website

Wherever you are asked to provide information in connection with the Website or the Services, you agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete details. It may not be possible to provide you with the Services if you do not provide the minimum mandatory information required. You of course don't have to provide us with any optional information requested. Please notify us immediately of any changes in the mandatory information. Please refer to the Website's Privacy Policy Statement (which forms part of these Terms and Conditions) for more details of our data processing activities. You agree to abide by all applicable laws, regulations and codes of conduct (including those that are self regulatory) and you agree to be solely responsible for all things arising from your use of the Website and the Services. You agree that you will always respect the privacy of your fellow internet users. If you post any material on the Website or through the Services , you agree to grant National Grid a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free licence to use any such material as we each see fit and without notice to you unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and us.

You agree not to:

  • Impersonate another person or use a false name or a name you are unauthorised to use or create a false identity or e-mail address or try to mislead us or others as to the identity or origin of any communications or to provide inaccurate or unreliable contact details.
  • Modify, access or make available data stored on a computer or device which you have accessed through our network, when either: the owner of the data, computer or device has taken steps to prevent you from doing this; or the owner has expressed a wish that you do not do this.
  • Make available or upload files that contain software or other material, data or information not owned by or licensed to you or collect information about others (e.g. names/addresses) without their prior consent.
  • Damage, interfere with or disrupt access to the Website or Services or do anything which may interrupt or impair their functionality.
  • Use the Website or Services in any way to send unsolicited (commercial or otherwise) e-mail ("Spam") or any material for marketing or publicity purposes, or any similar abuse of either.
  • Save as authorised in these Terms or as agreed in writing between you and us, resell any part or aspect of the Website or Services.
  • Publish, post, distribute, disseminate or otherwise transmit, defamatory, offensive, infringing, obscene, indecent or other unlawful or objectionable material or information.
  • Threaten, harass, stalk, abuse, disrupt, or otherwise violate the rights (including rights of privacy and publicity) of, others.
  • Make available, upload or distribute by any means any material or files that contain any viruses, bugs, corrupt data, "Trojan horses", "worms" or any other harmful software.
  • Falsify the true ownership of software or other material or information contained in a file made available via the Website or our Services.
  • Obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access, through whatever means, to the Website or the Services, other services or computer systems or areas of our, or any of our partners', networks which are identified as restricted.
  • Disclose any security details, such as logins or passwords, to any third parties and to keep such information secure.


National Grid take every care and precaution to ensure that information published on the Website or through the Services is accurate when posted and regularly updated, but we cannot be held liable for its accuracy or timeliness and we may change the information at any time without notice. You must not rely on information on the Website or accessed through the Services and you acknowledge that you must take appropriate steps to verify this information before acting upon it. No warranty or representation is made in respect of the timeliness or accuracy of any information sent to you by the updating service. We reserve the right to remove any information or material on the Website or accessible through the Services without warning, and without prejudice to any other accrued rights, and/or to make available such information or material when required to do so by law or when requested to by regulatory bodies or law enforcement organisations. You will remain responsible and liable for material you upload onto, or access from, the Website and/or Services, and you will indemnify National Grid, in the manner set out below in these Terms in relation to your accessing or uploading.


We do not charge you a separate fee for access to and use of the Website or the Services. On this basis you agree that these Terms, and in particular the limits on National Grid's liability and obligations, are fair and reasonable. In the event that National Grid is found liable under these Terms, its total aggregate liability will be limited to £1,000.

We do not charge you a separate fee for access to and use of the Website or the Services. On this basis you agree that these Terms, and in particular the limits on National Grid's liability and obligations, are fair and reasonable. In the event that National Grid is found liable under these Terms, its total aggregate liability will be limited to £1,000.

The information contained in the Website or accessed through the Services is not an invitation to invest in shares or other securities, or any other products or services or otherwise deal in these or enter into a contract with National Grid or any other company. The information provided should not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision. You should always seek appropriate professional advice in relation to such.

The past performance of National Grid or any other company referred to on the Website or accessed through the Services cannot be relied upon as a guide to its future performance. The price of shares and the income derived from them can go down as well as up and investors may not recoup the amount originally invested. The Website and the information accessible through the Services contain certain statements that are neither reported financial results nor other historical information. These statements are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Because these forward-looking statements are subject to assumptions, risks and uncertainties, actual future results may differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. Many of these assumptions, risks and uncertainties relate to factors that are beyond National Grid's ability to control or estimate precisely, such as delays in obtaining or adverse conditions contained in regulatory approvals, competition and industry restructuring, changes in economic conditions, currency fluctuations, changes in interest and tax rates, changes in energy market prices, changes in historical weather patterns, changes in laws, regulations or regulatory policies, developments in legal or public policy doctrines, technological developments, the availability of new acquisition opportunities or the timing and success of future acquisition opportunities. Other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those published or otherwise available on or through the Website or Services may include the realisation of synergies from integration, the failure to retain key management, unseasonal weather impacting on demand for electricity and gas, the behaviour of UK electricity market participants on system balancing, the timing of amendments in prices to shippers in the UK gas market, the performance of the National Grid's pension schemes and the regulatory treatment of pension costs and the impact of any potential separation and disposal by the National Grid group of any UK gas distribution network(s). For a more detailed description of these assumptions, risks and uncertainties, together with any other risk factors, please see National Grid's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (and in particular the "Risk Factors" and "Operating and Financial Review" sections in its most recent annual report on 20F). Recipients are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of their publication on the Website or being made accessible through the Services. National Grid does not undertake any obligation to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of their publication on the Website or being made accessible through the Services.

Any reference to any product or service (including the Services) which has been or may be provided by National Grid or any other company does not amount to a promise that such product or service will be available at any time. Changes to or improvements in such products or services may be made at any time without notice.

We make no warranty whatsoever as to any goods or services purchased or obtained or offered to you by third parties through the Website and/or Services. Your dealings with any third parties, in particular advertisers and/or merchants, through the Website and/or Services, and any terms, conditions, warranties or representations with such third parties, are solely between you and such third party.

The information contained in this Website or accessible through the Services is not intended to supplement the information provided to customers for the purposes of determining amounts payable to National Grid, or due by National Grid to Suppliers. The format, content and frequency of the information is such that it has been developed for information purposes only and not for financial analysis purposes or the audit of amounts payable to or by National Grid.


You agree to indemnify and hold National Grid and any of their respective officers, employees and agents harmless from and against all and any expenses, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses of any character incurred or suffered and any claims or legal proceedings which are brought or threatened, in each case arising from your use of, or conduct on, the Website and/or Services and/or any breach of these Terms.


National Grid owns the copyright in the content published on the Website or accessible through the Services except where otherwise indicated by a third partys proprietary notice. Images, trade marks and brands are also protected by other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner without written permission of their respective owners. Unless specifically prohibited by a notice published on any page, you may make a print copy of such parts of the Website or information accessible through the Services as you may reasonably require for your own personal use provided that any copy has attached to it any relevant proprietary notices and/or disclaimers. You agree not for yourself or through or by way of assistance to any third party to distribute, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise deal in or with the Website, the Services or materials therein or otherwise commercially exploit such material or content otherwise than as permitted by law.


National Grid may terminate the Services, or restrict your access to them and the Website, refuse to sell/supply to or correspond with you, and/or remove your details from the relevant database without prejudice to any other accrued rights, without prior notice to you where: (i) there is a regulatory or statutory change limiting the ability to provide the Website and/or Services; (ii) any event beyond the reasonable control of National Grid occurs which prevents us from continuing the Services (for example, and without limitation, technical difficulties, capacity problems and communications failures); (iii) National Grid consider in our sole discretion that you are abusing the Website and/or Services or are otherwise acting in breach of these Terms. On termination, we may remove any material relating to you, if applicable, including e-mail addresses and shall have no obligation to forward any unread or unsent messages to you or third parties, on termination your user name and password may become available to others. Such termination will not affect any of your accrued liabilities incurred prior to such termination.

Implied Terms

The express provisions of these Terms are in place of all warranties, conditions, terms, undertakings and obligations implied by statute, common law, custom, trade usage, course of dealing or otherwise, all of which are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.


We reserve the right to monitor and track your visits to this Website and your use of the Services.

Costs of Access

You shall be responsible for obtaining access to the internet in order to view the Website and take advantage of the Services and shall pay any service fees, telephone charges or other costs associated with such access.

Viruses, Security and Compatibility

While certain precautions have been taken to detect computer viruses and ensure security, we cannot guarantee that the Website and the Services are virus-free and secure and they shall not be liable for any loss or damage which occurs as a result of any virus or breach of security. You shall therefore be responsible for protecting your computer systems from exposure to viruses by the use of anti-virus software, firewalls and any other technical measures necessary. National Grid give no warranties as to the compatibility of the Website and the Services with your computer systems, software and/or hardware.


National Grid reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any of the Services or your access to or use of the Website and/or Services or any of your logins or passwords with or without notice. National Grid have no liability to you for any loss or damage whatsoever in respect of any action it takes pursuant to this paragraph.

Other Websites and Links

For your interest and/or amusement, from time to time we will make available to you hypertext links from the Websites and/or the Services to third party sites both within and outside the European Union. However, these sites are not in any way approved, checked, edited, vetted or recommended by National Grid and you agree that National Grid shall not be liable in any way for the content of such sites or for any dealings that you may have, or the consequences of such dealings, with such third party site operators. In particular you agree that any dealings you have with such third party site operators shall be on the terms and conditions (if any) of the third party operator (or as otherwise agreed by you and the third party operator).


If any provision of these Terms, or any part of a provision of these Terms, is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable the remaining provisions, or the remainder of the provision concerned, shall continue in effect. A failure or delay by National Grid in enforcing compliance with any provision of these Terms shall not be a waiver of that or any other provision of these Terms. None of these Terms shall be enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any third party. You may not assign any of your rights or obligations under these Terms. The headings used in these Terms are for convenience only and shall not affect interpretation. In these Terms, unless specified to the contrary, use of the singular is deemed to include the plural, use of any gender is deemed to include every gender and any reference to a person is deemed to include a corporation, a partnership and any other body or entity; and (in each case) vice versa.

Entire Agreement

These Terms constitute the entire agreement and understanding between National Grid and you and shall supersede any prior agreement or representation in respect of your use of the website and the services.


Any and all notices to be given by either one of us to the other pursuant to or in connection with these Terms shall be deemed sufficiently given when forwarded by e-mail or facsimile transmission in each case addressed to you at the e-mail address or facsimile number you have given us or to us at the e-mail address or facsimile number displayed on the Website.


These conditions of use are governed by the laws of England and Wales and you agree that the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute.

Supplemental Terms and Conditions
Competitive connections quotations

Where you have requested us to pass your information to other companies to enable you to obtain quotes from them then the following additional terms apply. By pressing the [submit] button at the bottom of the Competitive Quotation Form you agree to these terms:

  1. You confirm that the information you supply is accurate.
  2. The information you have provided will be used and kept by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy a link to which is provided below. However, you also consent to us disclosing your information to these companies (referred to in the rest of these terms as “Utility Infrastructure Providers”) on your behalf to enable them to supply quotes to you.
  3. National Grid agrees to use reasonable efforts to pass this information to these Utility Infrastructure Providers on your behalf.
  4. These Utility Infrastructure Providers are completely independent from the National Grid and we do not obtain any commission for passing your information to them. National Grid is therefore not responsible for the processing of your information by these Utility Infrastructure Providers. Nor is National Grid responsible for any quotes, statements, information, goods or services provided or agreed to be provided by these Utility Infrastructure Providers for or any failure or delay by them in providing them.
  5. Any quote or offer made by these Utility Infrastructure Providers will be made on the terms and conditions of that Utility Infrastructure Provider. Any contract created as a result of this will be between you and the Utility Infrastructure Provider concerned and National Grid will not have any obligations or responsibility to you under that contract.
  6. Because the contract for the product is between you and the Utility Infrastructure Provider any queries relating to contract or the goods or services they provide should be addressed to them.

Public Consultations

National Grid is committed to respecting your privacy and to complying with all applicable data protection laws.

National Grid will use the information you provide to assist in the consideration and planning of new or modified connections to the national transmission network.

Your information may be disclosed to or shared for the above purpose with the following:

  • Other National Grid Group companies;
  • Third party service providers, contractors, or advisors who provide services to us; and
  • The Planning Inspectorate and any relevant Local Planning Authority (LPA).

Responses to the associated consultation process may be included in published reports. For responses made by individuals the response will be displayed but the respondent's name will not. For responses made on behalf of an organisation, the organisation name will be displayed together with the response.