Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that isn't listed below, please contact us.

What is included within a Capacity Market Notice when it becomes active on the website?

There are 5 discrete pieces of information within a Capacity Market Notice.

  1. Commencement time of the Capacity Market Notice (four hours out )
  2. Circumstance that has triggered the Capacity Market Notice, being one of the following
    • Margin below threshold set out in Capacity Market Rules (based on data provided to the Electricity System Operator)
    • Demand Reduction Instruction
    • Low Frequency Disconnection
  3. Transmission Demand and Operating Margin (MW)
  4. Aggregate Capacity of BM Units (Generating assets) expected (MW)
  5. Additional Capacity (MW)

Note: Items 3, 4 and 5 are not shared where the trigger is either Demand Reduction Instruction or Low Frequency Disconnection